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    A organização do trabalho docente no ensino remoto
    (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, 2021) Ferreira, Quelen Nunes Garcez; Severo, Diego Fernandes Dias
    The work presented here was elaborated from the data collected from the teaching group and management team of a public school in the municipality of Alegrete, located on the Western Border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with the purpose of describing the understanding of the organization of teaching work in remote teaching during the pandemic period caused by the new coronavirus. Here is a brief profile of the teachers, teachers and managers of the basic education institution and aspects related to the identity of the 16 teachers and 03 managers who participated in the research, after sending the forms to the 05 managers and 80 teachers of the institution. The qualitative study conducted through an online form shares the unders- tanding of the possibilities of dialogue for the organization and distribution of teaching work time. With the analysis of the collected data, presented in graphs and description of the answers with the theoretical framework, it is expected to contribute to the valorization of tea- chers and teachers, establishing the importance of education in the development of society.
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    Os princípios da gestão democrática e as políticas públicas: uma análise da atuação da secretaria de educação do estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período pandêmico
    (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, 2021) Nunes, Mirza Marli Gonçalves; Marques, Rachel dos Santos
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    Os recursos financeiros e o custo aluno qualidade inicial de alunos com deficiência matriculados em uma escola de educação infantil
    (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, 2021) Silva, Márcio André de Oliveira da; Pergher, Calinca Jordânia
    This paper discusses the financial resources that make up a quality education and the initial quality student cost of students with disabilities enrolled in an early childhood education school. CAQi is a mechanism to calculate the expenditure invested to provide a minimum standard of quality for students enrolled in the school. Its objective is to carry out a survey of resources from the Municipal Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (FUNDEB) in 2020, considering the inputs, the physical structure, the human resources, comparing these data with the concept of cost of student quality (CAQ) institutionalized in educational regulations for students with disabilities enrolled in regular education, a municipal school for kindergarten in Alegrete. The path followed for the study was of an exploratory and qualitative nature, which seeks the quantity of resources received from various sources such as FUNDEB at the municipal level, as well as from other supplementary programs. Whether this amount of resources has provided students with disabilities, enrolled in regular education, at a municipal elementary school in Alegrete, with quality education. enrolled the child with a disability, has a total of 17 enrollments. When the study of the CNDE Report predicts in the Integral Daycare modality, an average of 11.2 students per class. A total of 35% above that proposed in the aforementioned study. The value of FUNDEB transferred to the municipality, for students with disabilities, is a total of R$11,367.73, of which R$5,911.22, for the full modality and the value of R$5,456.51, for being in the AEE. When the CNDE Report predicts in the Integral Day Care modality the amount of R$ 28,090.70. Contacting a lag of almost 60%. It is known that to meet the contingent that involves significant teaching-learning for students with disabilities, a suitable financial contribution is necessary.
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    O papel da pluralidade na gestão escolar democrática
    (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, 2021) Coelho, Maíse Rodrigues; Silva, Tatielle Rita Souza da
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    Uma meta-análise das teses sobre reunião pedagógica no país dos últimos cinco anos
    (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, 2021) Goulart, Liana Arrussul Severo; Perlin, Patrícia
    The joint and organized participation of members of the school community: parents, guardians, students, teachers, employees and the management team helps to obtain quality education for all, as education is social and collaborative. The actions and reflections about school work that take place in the pedagogical meetings help education professionals in their practices, since, by knowing different theories, appropriating them, they can choose the one that best fits the students' reality and share with their peers their practices contribute to meaningful learning. In this work, from the Lato Sensu Post-Graduate Course in School Management at the Federal Institute Farroupilha - Campus Alegrete, we intend to theorize and discuss the possibilities of continuing education, professional growth and improvement of the teaching and learning processes that can be triggered from the pedagogical meetings in schools. Guided by the question: “How do pedagogical meetings take place?”, the aim of the article is to understand the place of pedagogical meetings in the actions and decisions of the school collective, based on theses produced on the subject of the last five years. The analysis methodology used is the qualitative meta-analysis, which is a systematic review of other researches in order to produce new syntheses. 22 theses in Education from 2016 to 2020 were identified in the Capes Bank of Theses Platform - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, with the keywords “planning” and “pedagogical meetings”. From the abstracts, they were classified according to their theme, namely: theoretical nature (4); virtual environments, distance education and technology (4); continuing education (2), initial training (2), educational programs (3), curriculum and assessment (4); and other topics (3). The themes that best suited the objective of the project were 6, research and continuing education. After a thorough reading of these works, a survey was carried out on their main results. Based on the research, we sought to answer some questions such as: the organization of pedagogical meetings, topics covered, periodicity, professionals participating in these meetings and their objectives. Finally, the challenges and demands regarding pedagogical meetings are still many, so we intend, with the results of this research, to contribute and encourage the much-needed planning of pedagogical meetings, in order to collaborate with quality learning.